Shared Note
| Shared Note: - Clara was often called Nancy and in later life she was baptized Nancy Hanks by Dr. Merton S. Rice of the Metropolitan Methodist Church in Detroit w here she sang in the choir. She attended Potter School in Saginaw and w as educated at Northwestern University. She taught at the Potter Scho ol in Saginaw in 1908, 1909, 1910 and probably other years while livi ng in her parents' home in Saginaw. She also taught art and music in Tex as and Indiana.
She became interested in dental ceramics and worked in that field in Detro it. She lived alone in her home in Detroit and was quite independent. S he owned and drove an automobile even when quite elderly. She was sa id to be interested in spiritualism and attended Seances where she talk ed with Abraham Lincoln among others.
Clara was ill a short time and died in Harper Hospital, Detroit, and was b uried in the family plot in Forest Lawn Cemetery at Saginaw, Michigan.