Shared Note
| Shared Note: - Ruth attended the University of Michigan in the first class open to women in 1870 and 1871.
Ruth was married to James by her grandfather, Reverend James Hemingway. J ames became a judge at Hampton, Iowa and was a Civil War veteran of some n ote. His tombstone in Hampton is inscribed "The Hero of Altoona". They h ad four children.
Ruth's husband died in October 1882 when her children were young.
Ruth was a young widow with her four children living with her mother in Ha dley, Michigan in 1884.
She may have lived in Austin, Illinois before 1905 and at Tacoma Park in W ashington D. C. in 1905. She lived in Ann Arbor with her children while t hey attended the university. She is said to have become deaf at the bir th of William.