Shared Note
| Shared Note: - Eva graduated from the Lapeer Public High School in 1879 (first intermediate group in 1868). She sang a solo in a musical program at the Lapeer Bap tist Church on July 20, 1879. She studied music at the Cincinnati Conserv atory and in New York. She was on the faculty of Monticello Ladies' Semin ary at Godfrey, Illimois in 1883. She attended the University of Michig an in 1884.
She took part in numerous concerts at a number of places including New Yo rk City. She operated a studio of music in Grand Rapids, Michigan for twe nty years and was active in promoting musical performances and bringing pe rformers to Grand Rapids.
Eva was active in the amateur production of Katcha-Koo at the Powers Theat re in Grand Rapids. She contributed articles to musical magazines and ga ve lectures on musical topics. She was a member of the St. Cecillia Socie ty of Grand Rapids.
She died at Lapeer at her sister's home where she was visiting for the hol idays. Her cousin, Frank Hemingway, officiated at her funeral and she w as buried at Hadley, Michigan.