Shared Note
| Shared Note: - Mary grew up at Lapeer, Michigan at her parents' home. She graduated from the Lapeer High School in 1871 and from Dana Musical Academy at Warre n, Ohio. She often played the organ in the Lapeer Episcopal Church and sa ng in the choir there. Her wedding to Charles was held in her parents' ho me and her husband's brother-in-law aided in the ceremony, She probably w as associated with the Universalist Society since she received a wedding p resent from them. She traveled to a number of places; being in Iowa in 18 76 and in Ontario in August 1877, in Missouri in 1879. She lived with h er husband at Warren, Pennsylvania until 1880 when they moved to Baltimor e, Maryland. She was in Hadley when her daughter was born in 1889, a nd in Lapeer when her mother died in 1895. Her two children, William a nd Ruth, were raised in Baltimore with summer visits to Lapeer. In 1906 s he brought her children to Ann Arbor where her son entered the Universit y. She rented rooms to students until her son graduated in 1910. Her hus band died in 1911 in Baltimore. She lived with her sister, Helen, in the ir parents' home in Lapeer. She was on the program of the Lapeer High Sch ool reunion in 1924. In 1925 she played a piano duet with her cousin, Ama nda Hart, at the Lapeer High reunion. The duet was a repeat of a duet th ey played at their commencement in 1871. She joined the D.A.R. in Royal O ak in 1927 along with her daughter. Her number is 235713. She suffer ed a number of strokes at her daughter's home in Pleasant Ridge, Michig an and died there in 1928. She was buried at Hadley in her parents' plot.