Elmira grew up in New York with her family. The first record of her activ (NI0132)
Shared Note
Shared Note: - Elmira grew up in New York with her family. The first record of her activ
ities shows her a secretary of The Female Benevolent Society at Hadl ey in 1842. She taught school at The Lapeer Union School in 1848 to 185 2. She married Rueben and they had three children. Rueben was a chair ma ker and a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was elected Just ice of the Peace in April 1861 and died June 9, 1861. In 1869 Elmira liv ed in Ann Arbor and boarded students. In 1872 she was in Ann Arbor with h er two younger sons. She lived in East Saginaw in 1880 with her son Thom as and his wife Carrie. She wrote her brother William in 1880 and the let ter has been peserved. She says "a large fortune lying in the Bank of Eng land for the heirs of one Hemingway who left England and went to Wales a nd there was lost track of and is supposed he came to America it is no hum bug there is a man living 4 miles from here who has been to England to s ee about it he says it is true the money is there but he is a young man a nd they told ...." In copying this story from her letter it soon became e vident that there were no periods and very few capital letters. The lett er goes on and contains some lament she is not acquainted there and is lon ely. She asked for news of the family and Hadley.
Elmira died in Saginaw and was buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery in Sagina w, Michigan.