Shared Note
| Shared Note: - Bert was born in Goodison, Michigan. He married Libbie and they had two children. Libbie was born May 30, 1872 and died November 17, 1903.
Bert married a second time to Nettie Rae (known as Rae). They were the pa rents of five children. Rae was born July 13, 1884 at Dryden, Michigan a nd died July 31, 1929. In 1936, Bert married Ruth. They lived in Otter L ake. Bert was a partner with William McCormack in the General Store busin ess from 1902 to 1923. He started his own business and operated it for t en years. He was Postmaster at Otter Lake for many years. Bert and Libb ie are buried in the Otter Lake Cemetery.